Granite cobbles and paving

The pavement tends to be stone, concrete, clinker, ceramic granite or other types. The latest technologies are used in the production of outdoor coverings. We will consider the best type of stone paving, just for you.
The production of stone paving is widespread all over the world, where one of the types of stone can be found. In ancient times, stone paving was the only material from which it was possible to make roads. In the warmest countries, marble, basalt, granite and porphyry pavements were used. It is also possible to use larger pieces of stone, which are more similar to stone paving slabs. Marble pavement would not be suitable for countries with lower temperatures, because marble absorbs water and when the temperature drops below 0 C, cracks can form in the marble, which also damages the stone. Therefore, the most common stone pavement would be a granite pavement . As we can see, mostly all the squares and streets of the Old Town are paved with granite pavement, which has survived to this day and will serve again and again. Concrete paving is cheaper than granite paving, but by calculating the service life and dividing it by the price of the paving, we will see that granite is cheaper than concrete paving. People say “stingy pays twice”. Granite is a solid material with a wide range of colors and every owner can find their favorite color. Granite cobblestone colors: gray , dark gray (black) , red (brown) , white , yellow strong> and other colors . When a landlord has to choose a granite paving stone, the color would not be one of the parameters that determine the choice of pavement. Attention must be paid to the purpose of application and the surface material on which the paving stone will be laid. Types of granite paving: broken (forged, broken) , broken and sawn , burnt and broken , burnt and sawn >. The upper surface and edges of the pavement may differ depending on the type of treatment, thus depending on how smooth the pavement surface will be and how large the joints will be between the stone blocks. The price of granite paving depends on the type of treatment, color, size, quantity and time when the stone paving is needed. Our company has been operating for several years, since 2008, with stone paving trade, supply and paving. We visit world-class exhibitions to gain experience in this field and offer our customers better, cheaper, faster options. This work is easier to perform when in Riga we offer several types of granite pavement in our warehouse. Granite paving stones of different sizes are available in our warehouse: 10x10x10 cm (100x100x100 mm), 10x10x5 cm (100x100x50 mm), 5x5x5 cm (50x50x50 mm), 8x8x8cm (80x80x80mm), 10x10x8cm (100x100x80mm), 15x15x15cm (150x150x150mm), 8x8x15 cm (80x80x150mm) as well as other dimensions .
Granite paving.
There are owners who are ready to do paving work themselves. It, of course, depends on the person and his experience. Before making this decision, it should be understood that if the paving work is of poor quality, then it will be necessary to pay not only for the laying of granite pavement, but also for removal and re-paving. We had cases when granite paving was bought by the owner with his son and on weekends both paved together in the territory of their private house.
When the paving area is large and there are doubts that the work will be done on your own, it is better to invite pavers who know their work and will pave the area quickly and qualitatively.
Due to the fact that granite pavement can be broken (uneven) and sawn-burned (flat), the paving speed (m2 / day), pricing (m2 / eur) and the methods of paving work also depend on it.
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